Marco Belpoliti
Marco Belpoliti is an essayist and writer. He edited Primo Levi’s complete works for Einaudi and has written on Pier Paolo Pasolini, Giorgio Manganelli and Gianni Celati, among others. His numerous publications include L’occhio di Calvino (2006) a study of the place of the visual in Italo Calvino’s writing, Settanta (2010), a study of Italian literature, culture and criticism in the 1970s, L’età dell’estremismo (2014), on violence and the image in the context of the September 11 attacks, and many essays contemporary culture, art and literature. He edits the series Riga for Quodlibet and the online magazine Doppiozero. He teaches literary criticism and literature and visual cultures at the University of Bergamo. He collaborates with the newspaper La Repubblica and the weekly L’Espresso. Primo Levi: An Identikit was the recipient of the Bridge Book Award 2016.
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