Jozefina Komporaly
Jozefina Komporaly is a London-based academic and translator, working from Hungarian and Romanian into English. She is editor of the drama anthologies How to Explain the History of Communism to Mental Patients and Other Plays by Matéi Visniec (2015) and András Visky’s Barrack Dramaturgy: Memories of the Body (2017). She has translated Visniec's Mr K Released (2020) and László Földényi's The Glance of the Medusa (2020). Her translations of plays have been staged on both sides of the Atlantic, most recently by [Foreign Affairs] and Theater Y Chicago. She has published extensively on translation and adaptation for the stage, European and British theatre, transculturalism, and women’s writing, including the studies Staging Motherhood (2006) and Radical Revival as Adaptation: Theatre, Politics, Society (2017).